Equipping young leaders to fulfill Christ’s commission through the local church!
Casey and Kristin Yorman were both regular attenders of North Coast Church before moving onto the mission field, Kristin since high school and Casey since he moved to California with the Marines. They were married in 2002 and participated in a summer internship the summer of 2003 with Josiah Venture in Romania. They fell in love with the culture of Romania, the way Josiah Venture did evangelism and youth-leader training through local churches, and really sought to see the bride of Christ flourish in Central and Eastern Europe. They came back to the States and were very involved at North Coast Church. Both Casey and Kristin were employees and volunteers at North Coach church for many years in the College ministry, in the Life Group office (then called Growth Groups), and they led numerous Life Groups for college-aged students, and later for young marrieds. Casey started the Community Service Ministry at North Coast and developed and led the first two Weekends of Service (now called Serve Your City). Casey and Kristin, along with their two sons Caleb and Benaiah, moved onto the mission field in Czechia with Josiah Venture in the spring of 2011.