Ways to Give

How You Can Make an Impact

North Coast Church Impact ministry is dedicated to give, serve, and love those in need locally and globally. Your support helps to further the good news of God’s care and grace for people. Here’s a look at what that looks like…


The fingerprints of your prayers and support are all over everything North Coast Impact does locally and globally.

Frequently Asked Questions

North Coast Impact is a ministry of North Coast Church who work on ongoing service projects and missionary partnerships established across multiple North Coast campuses.

Donations are tax-deductible through North Coast Church

For more info, contact Connor at [email protected] or call (760) 724-6700 x260

Contributions to North Coast Church are administered and disbursed under the supervision of the church to nonprofit organizations we partner with. In the unlikely event that a ministry/project is overfunded, gifts will be used in another ministry/project in alignment with our exempt purpose.
