Carlos & Lisa Sales

Mobilizing churches to put their faith into action by providing opportunities to serve alongside missionaries reaching the physically and spiritually hungry throughout the world.

Pastor Carlos & Lisa Sales have been married since May 2, 1987 and have three daughters and one son: Grace, Alison, Olivia, and Chase. Lisa worked as a Civil Engineer for 16 years before staying home to home school their children. Carlos worked in the Computer Industry for 14-years and Managed a System and Programming Department for Lockheed Martin Corp before being called into full time ministry in 1995 as an Executive Pastor. In 1988, their love for missions work led them to help start a mission’s organization called Technical Outreach. In December 2010, Pastor Carlos & Lisa started Reaching the Hungry after 15 years of pastoral ministry in local churches. The goal was to bridge the gap between the local church and front line missionaries in the poorest parts of the world. With creative network and resource gathering, hundreds of thousands of people have been reached using the Jesus film, Talking Bibles, Evangecubes, and special events. Since Reaching the Hungry’s establishment, Pastor Carlos has planned and led hundreds of mission teams whose legacy includes the installation of over 100 water wells and hundreds of discipleship Bible study groups around the world.



Malawi, Phillippines, Costa Rica, Mexico


We serve missionaries and it is our goal to keep them on the field. Thus we provide support specific to their needs. We take teams to encourage and tackle projects, provide training, strategic planning, counseling, and accountability.


Reaching the Hungry mobilizes churches to put their faith into action by providing opportunities to serve alongside missionaries reaching the physically and spiritually hungry throughout the world.


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- God's wisdom

- Additional full-time leaders

- Good health for our adult children and grandchildren


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