Meals for Those in Need!

Operation Hope Shelter in VistaBring and serve dinner on Thursday nights Operation Hope Shelter in VistaHIGH NEED! Serve homeless women and their children at the shelter in Vista. Food for ~35 people needed. Thursday Nights at 5:15pm. MORE INFOFallbrook Food PantryA food pantry serving low income and disadvantaged families in the Fallbrook area Fallbrook Food…

Game Nights with Seniors

North Coast has partnered with several senior communities!  Sign up for a BINGO night or game with seniors in asssisted living communities. Great for Life Groups or individuals.  Groups may play games such as Bingo, UNO, prepare an easy craft project, or plan a sing along. Alta Vista Senior Living- VistaPacifica Senior Living- VistaVista Gardens…

Love on Seniors!

These projects are geared towards blessing the senior community and showing them that they are loved and have not been forgotten. Carlsbad Senior CenterA senior support community for 60yrs+ providing services such as resources & food Carlsbad Senior CenterCreate a kit with basic hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, body wash, etc. Dates are flexible.…

Build Beds for Kids in Need

Help build and deliver beds to children in need through Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Learn woodworking skills to create beds and join in the delivery. This project takes place at the North Coast Church Vista campus. For dates and details click on the link below. LEARN MORE

Donate Blood

Your help is vital!  Make an appointment today at a North Coast Church location. You will find either the American Red Cross or the San Diego Blood Bank mobile buses set up in the church parking lots. Appointments are recommended, but walk ups are welcome. Blood Drive Carlsbad Campus 1/28Sponsored by the American Red Cross…